Current notices

Application for Registered Agent

The following applications made under the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) are currently before SAET (Regulation 6(3) of the Fair Work (Representation) Regulations 2024.

Registered Agent NameCase NumberRespond by

Work Health and Safety Notice of Disputes

ET-24-04344 – Public Service Association of SA Inc v Attorney-General’s Department (Department for Child Protection)
ET-24-04343 – CPSU SPSF Group, South Australian Branch v TafeSA
ET-24-04429 – Tanya Peel vs Department for Correctional Services & Attorney General’s Department

Fair Work Act 1994

2024 State Wage Case: Section 100 Fair Work Act 1994


Case No. ET-24-02587

TAKE NOTICE that the UNITED TRADES & LABOR COUNCIL OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (“SA Unions”) has requested that the South Australian Employment Tribunal (“SAET”) vary all state awards to increase the State Minimum Award Wage and the Minimum Standard of Remuneration for an adult by 3.75% from the first pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2024.

TAKE NOTICE that SA Unions has requested that SAET vary all state awards to increase the amount of certain work-related allowances by 3.75%, being a percentage commensurate with the increase sought in the State Minimum Award Wage and the Minimum Standard of Remuneration, from the first pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2024.

TAKE NOTICE that SA Unions has requested that SAET vary the maximum amount of recreational leave loading certain workers may receive by increasing it by 3.75%, being a percentage commensurate with the increase sought in the State Minimum Award Wage and the Minimum Standard of Remuneration, from the first pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2024.

A copy of the application may be viewed here.

TAKE NOTICE that in relation to the adjustment of award wages, allowances and recreational leave loading under section 90 of the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA), any person bound by a State Award desiring to make a submission to SAET should notify the chambers of President Justice Dolphin by email to either personally or by their personal representative by 5.00 pm on 15 July 2024.

Failing such notification an award, order or decision may be made or given on that or some subsequent date as SAET may think proper and this may bind all parties to an award.

Dated this 22nd day of June 2024.

Enterprise agreements

The following applications made under the Fair Work Act seeking approval of an Enterprise Agreement are currently before SAET (Rule 113, SAET Rules).

Any party seeking to be heard in relation to the above matters must advise SAET in writing setting out the objection or any other consideration with SAET by the ‘Respond by’ date indicated above. A copy of the advice is also to be supplied to the other parties to the Agreement.  As soon as practicable after that date SAET will either approve the Agreement or otherwise deal with the matter as it sees fit.

Enterprise Agreement nameCase numberRespond by

Award proceedings

The following applications made under the Fair Work Act regarding award proceedings (new award, or variation or rescission of an existing award) are currently before or have been determined by, SAET (Rule 115, SAET Rules).

Triennial Review of Awards: Section 99 Fair Work Act 1994 (SA)

Award nameCase number
Local Government (Health Services) Award ET-22-02707
Local Government Tourism, Hospitality and Retail AwardET-22-02706
Local Government Employees AwardET-22-02704
Caretakers and Cleaners Award ET-22-01765
Health Recreation and Fitness AwardET-22-01762
South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers AwardET-22-01746

Alteration to rules of an association

The following applications made under the Fair Work Act seeking an addition or alteration to the rules of an association are currently before SAET (Rule 121, SAET Rules).

Association nameCase numberRespond by