Emergency procedures at SAET

In the event of an emergency, or security threat, plans are in place to ensure the safety of everyone at SAET.

Emergency Plans

Emergency procedures and diagrams are displayed in all relevant areas of the Tribunal.

Event of an emergency

In the event of an emergency, two emergency tones will play over the speakers:

  • Alert signal – BEEP BEEP
  • Evacuation signal – WHOOP WHOOP

Alert signal Evacuation signal

An alert signal ‘BEEP BEEP’ signals to prepare in case evacuation is required.

DO NOT evacuate until you hear the evacuation tone or are directed by a SAET emergency warden.

Some emergencies require you to stay where you are.

An evacuation signal ‘WHOOP WHOOP’ (or on advice from Chief Warden) signals you to leave the building in a safe and orderly manner via the designated emergency exits.

DO NOT use the lifts during an emergency evacuation and follow the guidance of SAET emergency wardens (or staff) to the designated Assembly Area.

Event of a Security Threat

In the event of a security threat, move away from the threat.

The SAET Police Security Officer (PSO) will attend where an alarm is activated, and Police will immediately attend if a duress alarm is activated.

Follow the directions of the SAET PSO or Police.

On resolution of the threat, SAET staff, Police or the PSO will debrief with those affected.

Visit our Security at SAET page for more information.