Freedom of information
Freedom of Information
The South Australian Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) provides members of the public with the legally enforceable right to access documents and records held by South Australian government agencies, subject to certain restrictions and exemptions.
The Act also allows for the correction of references to a person’s personal affairs in documents and reports, in appropriate cases.
What cannot be obtained under FOI
The FOI Act does not apply to SAET or its members, or to documents related to proceedings before SAET.
Any application for access to documents relating to SAET’s members or proceedings falls under the SAET Act.
If you wish to obtain information about a SAET member or proceeding by applying for information under the SAET Act you should contact the SAET Registrar, who will explain the procedures and charges that may apply.
What may be obtained under FOI
You may be entitled under the FOI Act to various documents related to SAET administration.
However, the information that is available is subject to exemptions and limitations that are set out in the FOI Act and Regulations.
The FOI legislation sets out fees and charges.
How to make an FOI application concerning SAET
An application for access to documents held by SAET under the FOI Act must be made in writing, either in a letter or an application form.
Visit State Records of South Australia to complete a Freedom of information request for access form.
If you are applying in a letter, you should:
- clearly state your request for access to documents under the FOI Act
- include enough information to enable SAET to identify the documents you seek
- include an email or postal address so SAET can contact you about your application.
Application fees
All applications must be accompanied by the relevant application fee, which is payable by cheque, money order or credit card.
For credit card payments, contact the SAET Registry.
There may be an additional cost to process your application. This fee is not usually confirmed until SAET receives and considers your application. You will be notified if there is an additional cost.
However, if you are a concession card holder, or if SAET is satisfied that payment of the fee or charge would cause you financial hardship or for another good reason, you may be eligible for a fee exemption.
If you think you may be eligible for an exemption, you should call the SAET Registry.
Where to send applications
Forward applications under the FOI Act attention to The Registrar, via:
- email to:
- post to:
South Australian Employment Tribunal
PO Box 3636
Rundle Mall SA 5000