Attendances at SAET – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic responses
05 August 2021
As a result of the South Australian Government’s directions regarding public activity restrictions, SAET is adopting the following practices from 5 August 2021, until further notice.
Keep up-to-date on SAET’s COVID response
The best way to keep up-to-date on SAET’s COVID-19 response is to visit our website at Please visit the website before calling our staff.
SAET Registry
SAET Registry phone and counter continues to be open in accordance with its normal operating hours.
If you need to attend the Registry to view/copy case or summonsed materials, you must ring the Registry on 8207 0999 to arrange an appointment. You should ring at least 24 hours before the time you wish to attend.
When you arrive at your allocated time, you must sign in with the Security Officer and use the COVID-safe check-in (QR code) to assist with possible contact tracing.
Masks must be worn for all attendances at SAET. Attendees need to provide their own mask.
Matters before Commissioners
Commissioners will conduct conferences and hearings as per the latest notice you have received in relation to your matter.
If a hearing or conference does proceed in-person, social distancing requirements of 1 person per 2 square metres and minimum of 1.5 metres spacing between individuals will be adhered to. Masks must be worn for all attendances at SAET, attendees should provide their own mask. In the discretion of the Commissioner, a mask may be removed when addressing the bench in a courtroom.
Matters before Presidential Members
Presidential Members will conduct conferences and hearings as per the latest notice you have received in relation to your matter.
If a hearing or conference does proceed in-person, the social distancing requirements of 1 person per 2 square metres and minimum of 1.5 metres spacing between individuals will be adhered to. Masks must be worn for all attendances at SAET, attendees should provide their own mask. In the discretion of the Presidential member, a mask may be removed when addressing the bench in a courtroom.
Witnessing of Affidavits
Practice Direction – The witnessing of affidavits during the COVID-19 pandemic (28 April 2020) applies under current restrictions.
We will review our position in accordance with changing circumstances, updated South Australian Government advice and directives, and the advice of health experts.
The Honourable Justice Steven Dolphin
South Australian Employment Tribunal